Stitchin’ Richard gets some lovin’

Poor, poor Stitchin’ Richard!  He has been neglected so!   I blew the dust off the cross stitch bag Thursday afternoon, and I swear SR had a look of despondency about him.  I vowed to do what I could to make it up to him.  I finished off the colored portion of the page.  I’m sure I heard him rumbling in satisfaction as I put the last few stitches in!  Friday after class, I did some more stitching.  I put in just over 1,000 stitches of the background.  I’m happy with the progress.  Maybe I can finish the page in time for my second RAnniversary!

In two days, I did around 1,300 stitches.  Here’s a photo update in case you are interested:

SR 2013.04.19b

Hopefully tomorrow will be another good stitching day.     🙂

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15 Responses to Stitchin’ Richard gets some lovin’

  1. fedoralady says:

    You are having a stitchin’ good time, it looks like. Good job! Love those pics of him, by the way. Call it his Russian sea captain look. 😀


  2. Hi ItsJSforMe,
    Wow! Your Stitchin’ Richard image looks fabulous! I can’t wait to see your final result! Will it be made into a pillow cover that you can snuggle up to? Cheers! Grati ;->


  3. Servetus says:

    As long as you don’t stitch in the mouth, he won’t be able to complain 🙂

    Glad you’re back.


    • ItsJSforMe says:

      I’m looking forward to playing with stitching his mouth. Is that wrong of me? *vbg*

      Thanks, it’s good to be back. I hope to do better at posting on a regular basis. I think I need someone to give me a swift kick once in awhile. lol


  4. guylty says:

    Wow, that could be called a true labour of love… Well done.


  5. He’s shaping up nicely!


  6. Pingback: Richard Armitage Legenda 75: Stuff worth reading | Me + Richard Armitage

  7. phylly3 says:

    That is so beautifully intricate! Definitely a work of love. 🙂


  8. ItsJSforMe says:

    Thanks Phylly3. I love extremely detailed patterns. I was over the moon to find this one. I’m thinking of contacting the seller and begging for one of Thorin!!! *swoon*


  9. Excellent cross stitch. I wandered where he had got to after he left Spooks – good to know he’s still about – I must watch the Hobbit soon. Thanks for the post.


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