Boys at Play

The boys found something constructive to do with those Warcraft trading cards they discovered awhile back.  They built a house of cards!  I’m not quite sure how they did it – they are much more imaginative than I am.  lol  I was impressed, anyway! (Click on the images to see larger versions)

They spent a considerable amount of time on this project, but I think it was time well spent.  🙂

Lil Lucas, Lil JS, and Lil Guy – hard at work

 Of course, Lil Patty wanted in on the action!

Lil Guy warns Lil Patty that she had best move before something happens

Unfortunately, Lil Patty only listens to Lil JS….

Oh, Lil Patty!!! What have you done???

Even more unfortunate is Lil Guy’s terrible temper!!!

Don’t do it, Lil Guy!

Tragedy was avoided, and Lil Guy’s tempered cooled off in a tasteful way.  He and Lil Patty made up, and Lil Guy offered to share a treat with the little Pom.

Mmmm…chocolate shake!!!

Chocolate is not good for dogs, so we had to come up with an alternative treat for Lil Patty.

No chocolate for you, Lil Patty!

I guess that leaves more for the boys, doesn’t it?  🙂

Lil JS and Lil Lucas remind Lil Guy that he needs to take turns!

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15 Responses to Boys at Play

  1. april73 says:

    Excellent, it’s great Itsjsforme, I love it !!!! 🙂


  2. jasrangoon says:

    This is fabulous! There house of cards is impressive (for the lil’ guys or a fully grown person). Good think that Lil’ Guy cooled off. I imagine that milkshake probably helped. 😉


    • ItsJSforMe says:

      Thanks, Jas. Building houses out of cards takes more patience than I have, that’s for sure! My scalp is still tender from pulling my hair out. lol We’ve found that milkshakes (or just ice cream in general) works wonders with Lil Guy and his hot temper. 😉


  3. phylly3 says:

    Hilarious! I love these chaRActer’s antics! I hope your boy’s didn’t mind their hard work ruined. 😉


    • ItsJSforMe says:

      The boys are a mischievous lot…always up to something. They were all a bit upset about Lil Patty’s demolition move, Lil Guy most of all. Luckily, Lil JS and Lil Lucas are more even tempered. Can you imagine three hot-headed boys causing mayhem? Yikes! Just the thought makes my head ache. lol


  4. bccmee says:

    Chocolate is definitely the language of diplomacy.


  5. Brooke says:

    This was entertaining. I never got how one keeps a house of cards to stay up. Also, you had good use of food before you are finished with all of it.


    • ItsJSforMe says:

      Brooke, I had to be sneaky with the house, but it was still a nightmare! lol Keeping it in one piece was truly an ordeal. The food was tasty and was enjoyed by all. 🙂


  6. fitzg says:

    Love it! How good to introduce Patty. We really have to do something about anger management for Lil Guy. 😀


  7. Snicker's Mom says:

    If the boys are bored, i have work they can do….Patty can be pampered while they work away. 🙂 That was mighty nice of them to want to share with Patty and keep her healthy. Good job Lils!


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